

Public Service Commission

A Citizen Centric Public Service

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IMG: Commissioner Andrew Muriuki and Mozilla Director of Strategy Ms. Alice Munyua (centre) in a group photo with Data Protection and Cyber Security trainees.

Public Service Commission has certified over 131 officers drawn from 42 Ministries and State Departments and Agencies after undergoing a data protection and cybersecurity capacity building programme. The graduation ceremony took place today 12th July 2024, at the Golden Tulip Hotel, Nairobi.

Through a speech delivered by Commissioner Andrew Muriuki, PSC Chairperson Amb. Anthony Muchiri said that it is the Commission’s intention to capacity build more data handlers in the public service to ensure full compliance with Data Protection Act 2019.

“ In the public service we handle large amounts of data and it is important we train our officers on the best practices in handling and processing such data as much as ensuring the public information is safe,” said Amb. Muchiri.

Speaking in the same event, Senior Director, International Strategy, Trust and Safety at Mozilla Corporation Ms. Alice Munyua highlighted the organization's commitment in creating a safer internet space for all. 

“ At Mozilla, our focus is creating an internet space that is secure and we will achieve that through the data protection and cybersecurity capacity building programmes we’re currently carrying out across the globe,” said Alice. 

She further noted that the programme will be expanded to ensure more public officers are skilled in data handling and privacy. 

The Capacity-building programme for data handlers in public service is a partnership programme between the Public Service Commission, Mozilla Corporation and the African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRATI).

Also in attendance were Amb. Isaac Ochieng, Director General eCitizen, Mr. William Baraza, Director AFRATI and PSC Director Finance and Resource Mobilization Mr. Maina Njoroge.

Others were trainers; Ms. Abigael Sami Wambua; Advocate; Data Protection Privacy Professional and Mr.  Jones Baraza Cybersecurity Engineer.

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